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Facade makes it really easy to program virtual cameras

Simple APIs to create and stream content into virtual cameras. Reimagine how you present yourself online.

import time
import typing

from pyfacade import *

device = FacadeDevice.list()[0]
camera = typing.cast(VideoFacadeDevice, device)

pixel_buffer = bytearray(camera.width * camera.height * 4)
clear_line = [0 for i in range(0, camera.width * 4)]
white_line = [255 for i in range(0, camera.width * 4)]
line_idx = 0

def render():
    global line_idx, pixel_buffer, camera

    pixel_buffer[line_idx:line_idx + camera.width * 4]
        = clear_line
    line_idx = (line_idx + camera.width * 4) % len(pixel_buffer)
    pixel_buffer[line_idx:line_idx + camera.width * 4]
        = white_line


if __name__ == "__main__":

        while True:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

A system extension for creating loopback virtual cameras

Coupled with C and Python libraries to interface with it, Facade abstracts away the low-level details of device virtualization. You get simple APIs to create and stream video into cameras.

Your app

Your app

Uses Facade to open a camera device and push video frames into it




Native Media APIs

System Extension

System Extension

Creates a virtual camera with macOS and loops back incoming video framesYou can preview this camera as any regular camera

Try Facade virtual cameras before writing a line of code

Try Facade virtual cameras before writing a line of code. The Facade app comes with a preset of face swap cams you can try.

Face Swap app

And now you can create your own virtual camera...

To get started, install the Facade app and try running one of our sample camera programs.

Get Started